
National shipping within Germany
DHL Paket 5.99 EUR
  Delivery time in general: 1-2 working days
  From an order value of 50 EUR we ship free of charge.
  We also ship to DHL Packstations and DHL post offices.
DHL Express 18.99 EUR
  Express orders placed on working days until 12 a.m. are usually delivered on the next working day.
  In some cases the delivery may take 2 working days.
Shipping within the EU
DHL Paket 11.99 EUR
  Delivery times please see below.
DHL Express 52.99 EUR
  Express orders placed on working days until 12 a.m. are usually delivered within 1-2 working days.
Shipping to Switzerland
DHL Paket 26.99 EUR
  Delivery time in general: 4-5 working days
Shipping within Europe (without EU and Switzerland)
DHL Paket 29.99 EUR
  Delivery time in general: 3-15 working days
Shipping to other countries
DHL Paket 37.99 - 46.99 EUR
  Delivery time in general: 8-16 working days or more

Delivery times by country

Average delivery time for shipments with DHL Paket by country (numbers are given in working days). In general, one additional day of processing time must be calculated.


The above map was derived from "Creative Commons Europe, administrative divisions - de - colored" by TUBS and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Modifications were made to the original work.